Thursday, May 29, 2008

Gifting for Father's Day

As I am driving this evening on an errand, I am listening to the Clark Howard show. I don't listen all that often since I avoid being behind the wheel as much as possible. (Shuttling four kids around will do it to you!) Anyway, Clark happens to be talking about how everyone is tired of hearing and reading about gas prices, ways to save money on gas, etc. Of course, I immediately think of Thursday's post...I'M RUINED...RUINED I TELL YOU! And I'm still in my blog infancy!

So, I've decided to tell you about what we're considering for a Father's Day gift this year. That's a timely and welcome topic, right?! Thank goodness he doesn't read my blog. Or anyone else's for that matter. We are hoping to make Dad a special plate he can eat on each night he has dinner with us. Since he has so few opportunities to do so now that his schedule has changed, this will be a VERY special plate indeed. I'm considering a field trip to our local pottery studio, but I've also found a few online ideas here and here. Then there's the Amazon option. Our city also has an art center open to the public that provides "studio time" for the children and sometimes even a class for free.

What gift is Dad receiving from you or the kids this year?


Knit Wit said...

What a cute idea! I haven't come up with anything yet. We will be on a little vacation for Fathers day so I better think of something before we leave.

Maybe we will do a homemade craft since Aynslee is old enough to enjoy such things.

Ice Cream said...

Love this idea! A plate fit for a king. I will be posting all my F-day ideas on Monday. It is very hard to give gifts to my husband who really doesn't want anything (except a black BMW M3 with leather interior).

Thanks for your comment on Scribbit today. =)

Kelli said...

Sounds like fun, Erin! Looks like you can check out Ice Cream's blog for more ideas come Monday. I'll be checking it out, too!

You're welcome, Ice Cream. I enjoy stopping by!